The construction of the model continued with the upper part of the tower. At first, it was necessary to cut out the wall parts with window openings in three of them (cardboard, thickness 1mm), followed by a layer of plastic decoration and then small architectural articles.
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První vrstva plastické výzdoby - lesénový rám a okenní šambrána. The first layer of plastic decoration - a frame and a window moulding. |
K jejich vytvoření jsem použil odřezky (zbytky) z laser-cut stavebnice. Jemné zoubkování jsem použil jako distanční prvek lepení lamel a zároveň bylo šikovné naklonění jednotlivých lamel na tyto zoubky nalepené (zbytek z upevnění štítových dílů s vyřezanými konci prken).
Then it was necessary to create a window infill, because later it would be difficult to get it to its place, as these are slated shutters, letting through the sound of the bells but protecting the interior from bad weather.
To create them, I used cutouts from the laser-cut kit (the rest of the fastening of the gable parts with the carved end of the planks). I used fine saw-teeth like pieces as a spacing element for gluing slats, while at the same time, these teeth provided the tilting of the individual lamellas being glued on .
Když byly stěny kompletní, došlo na díly podlahy a stropu patra věže. Když byly připraveny i ty, sestavil jsem kvádr patra věže.
When the walls were complete, the floor and ceiling parts of the tower were made. When they were ready, I assembled the upper part of the tower.
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Patro věže sestavené a zkusmo osazené na místo určení. Storey of the tower assembled and experimentally put to its place. |
V té době už bylo jasné, že budu muset kousnout do kyselého jablka a začít se zabývat také střechou kostela... a začal jsem tedy rovnou střechou věže, protože se mi jevila jako složitější. Pokud zvládnu tu, se zbytkem už si poradím, říkal jsem si. :)
At that time, it was clear that I would have to bite into a sour apple and start dealing with the roof of the church ... so I started with a roof of the tower because it seemed more complicated to me. If I could handle this, I'd be able to do the rest, I thought. :)
After thinking it through I started to work on it. I chose to create the ribs, that would define the shape and then glue the "flat" parts on them .
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Nejprve jsem nalepil úzké nárožní pásky a pak mezi ně vlepoval větší plochy. I glued the narrow corner stripes first and then added the larger flat areas between them. |
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zkouška usazení spodního dílu střechy na místo Testing how the lower part of the roof fits into place |
Then I glued the base of the roof of the annex - sacristy into place and then I also glued the "planking" of the roof. When the sacristy roof was in place, it was time to paint the entire lower part of the church. Primalex faithfully mimics the plaster on the scale and, in addition, makes the building more firm and fixed.
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Základ střechy sakristie - žebra The foundation of the sacristy roof - the ribs |
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A nalepená střecha. The roof planking in place. |
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Natřená přední část kostela. |
Následuje pár ukázek vzhledu, který mám na mysli... často se dokonce jedná architektonicky o velmi podobné stavby.
And then there was not much work on the bottom structure ... a color solution, which was more a matter of feeling and imagination. The plasticity of the walls suggested a two-color option ... but I intend to try to create a 30s period feeling ... and at that time not all churches looked new. When I look at the photographs of the time, it's rather the opposite ... these are often dilapidated buildings that are costly to maintain due to their size and therefore only necessary repairs and maintenance are often done. So I chose the look of the church, which structure is sound, but that's all ... its facade has already experienced better times and it has been around for quite some time ...
There are a few examples of the appearance I have in mind ... it is often even architectonically very similar to the project I chose.
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Téměř totožný s Haffeneckerovým projektem. Možná je autorem i této stavby. Almost identical to Haffenecker's project. Perhaps he is also the author of this building. |
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Velmi podobné hmotové řešení stavby, i když větší chór, ale téměř identická střecha věže. A very similar structure solution of the building, although a larger choir, but almost identical tower roof. |
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A jedna dobová fotografie za všechny. One example of a period photo. |
A jak tedy nakonec vypadá kostel po nabarvení fasády? Tady je pár fotografií, kterými uzavřu tuto část popisu stavby... pokračování zase příště.
So how does the model look after the facade being painted? Here are a few photos to close this part of the construction description ... we will continue next time.
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Na střeše chóru ještě chybí nárožní obloukové díly, které byly doplněny později. There are still rounded parts missing in the choir roof corners, later added. |
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